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TrailBase provides core authentication flows and a basic UI out of the box1. These primitives let you establish the identity of your users in order to authorize or deny access to your data, let users change their email address, reset their password, etc.


TrailBase tries to offer a standard, safe and versatile auth implementation out of the box. It combines:

  • Asymmetric cryptography based on elliptic curves (ed25519)
  • Stateless, short-lived auth tokens (JWT)
  • Stateful, long-lived, opaque refresh tokens.

Breaking this apart, asymmetric cryptography means that tokens signed with a private key by the TrailBase “auth server”, which can then be validated by others (“resource servers”) using only the corresponding public key. The Stateless JWTs contain metadata that identities the user w/o having to talk to the auth server. Combining the two, other back-ends can authenticate, validate & identify, users hermetically. This is very easy and efficient, however means that hermetic auth tokens cannot be invalidated. A hermetic auth token released into the wild is valid until it expires. To balance the risks and benefits, TrailBase uses short-lived auth tokens expiring frequently2. To avoid burdening users by constantly re-authenticating, TrailBase issues an additional opaque, stateful refresh token. Refresh tokens are simply a unique identifier the server keeps track of as sessions. Only refresh tokens that have not been revoked can be exchanged for a new auth token.

Screenshot of TrailBase's admin dashboard

Flows & UI

TrailBase currently implements the following auth flows:

  • Email + password based user registration and email verification.
  • User registration using social OAuth providers (Google, …)
  • Login & logout.
  • Change & reset password.
  • Change email.
  • User deletion.
  • Avatar management.

Besides the flows above, TrailBase also ships with a set of simple UIs to support the above flows. By default it’s accessible via the route: <url>/_/auth/login. Check out the demo. The built-in auth UIs can be disabled with --disable-auth-ui in case you prefer rolling your own or have no need web-based authentication.

Usernames and other metadata

Strictly speaking, authentication is merely responsible for uniquely identifying who’s on the other side. This only requires a unique identifier and one or more secrets (e.g. a password, hardware token, …) for the peer to proof they’re them.

Any unique identifier will do: a random string (painful to remember), a phone number, a username, or an email address. Email addresses are a popular choice, since they do double duty as a communication channel letting you reach out to your users, e.g. to reset their password.

Even from a product angle, building an online shop for example, email addresses are the natural choice. Asking your customers to think up and remember a globally unique username adds extra friction especially since you need their email address anyway to send receipts. Additional profile data, like a shipment address, is something you can ask for at a later time and is independent from auth. In contrast, when building a social network, chat app or messaging board, you typically don’t want to leak everyone’s email address. You will likely want an additional, more opaque identifier such as a username or handle.

Long story short, modeling profile data is very product dependent. It’s for you to figure out. That said, it is straight forward to join auth data, such as the user’s email address, and custom custom profile data in TrailBase. We suggest creating a separate profile table with a FOREIGN KEY primary key column. You can then freely expose profiles as dedicated record API endpoints or join them with other data The blog example in <repo>/examples/blog demonstrates this, joining blog posts with user profiles on the author id to get an author’s name.


  1. Which can be disabled using --disable-auth-ui, if you prefer rolling your own or have no need for a web-based authentication UI.

  2. A one hour TTL by default.