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Welcome to TrailBase

An open, blazingly fast, single-executable Firebase alternative with type-safe REST & realtime APIs, built-in JS/ES6/TS runtime, SSR, auth and admin UI built on Rust, SQLite & V8.

Simplify with fewer moving parts: an easy to self-host single-executable with everything you need to focus on your mobile, web or desktop application. Sub-millisecond latencies eliminate the need for dedicated caches, no more stale or inconsistent data.


Blazingly fast thanks to its constituents:

  • Rust: one of the lowest overhead languages,
  • Axum: one of the fastest HTTP servers,
  • SQLite: one of the fastest full-SQL databases,
  • V8: one of the fastest JS engines.

TrailBase’s APIs are 7x faster than PocketBase’s and 20x faster than SupaBase’s with a fraction of the footprint allowing you to serve millions of customers from a tiny box.

In terms of JS/TS performance, V8 is roughly 40x faster than goja used by PocketBase.

Total time for 100k insertions:

Admin Dashboard

TrailBase ships with a builtin admin dashboard UI that lets you quickly configure your instance and visually explore your data. Check out the live demo below. Following TrailBase’s mantra of not getting in your way, the UI is entirely optional letting you fall back to a purely config and migration-based setup for integration tests or managing a fleet of deployments.


TrailBase is a small static binary that is incredibly easy to deploy consistently across integration testing, development, pre-prod, and production environments including edge. Architecturally, TrailBase aims to be a simple, thin abstraction around standards helping full or piece-meal adoption and avoiding lock-in.

A simple architecture, both in your dependencies and your own App, will let you move faster, more confidently and pivot when necessary.


TrailBase comes with an authentication system and UI built in supporting both password-based and Social/OAuth (Google, Discord, …) sign-ups.

TrailBase authentication system follows standards and best-practices combining short-lived, stateless JSON web tokens with long-lived stateful refresh tokens letting you easily and efficiently authenticate your users from any of your other back-ends relying on safe, asymmetric cryptography.

APIs & File Storage

Provide access to your tables and views through fast, flexible and type-safe restful CRUD APIs. Listen for data changes with realtime APIs and extend functionality using a fast V8 JS/ES6 runtime with built-in support for TypeScript.

Authorize users based on ACLs and SQL access rules letting you easily build higher-level access management or moderation facilities like groups or capabilities.


Straightforward integration with any stack thanks to thin abstractions, reliance on standards, and JSON Schema for type-safety allowing type-safe bindings for virtually any language.

Clients as well as code-generation examples for TypeScript, Dart/Flutter, Python, C#/.NET and Rust are provided out of the box.
